Reading for Pleasure Family Quiz brings joy to Trust primaries

This week, families from our primary schools across the Trust came together for the Reading for Pleasure Family Book Quiz, an exciting and fun-packed event where families had the chance to test themselves and each other with their book smarts and literacy knowledge in a spot of friendly competition.

The event was a great success, with participants eager to win our wide range of prizes while joining us in celebrating the joys and benefits of reading for pupils.

Families were also treated to some special guest appearances from a range of iconic children’s authors, who appeared at intervals throughout the evening to share their love of reading and storytelling.

We were thrilled to have Richard O’Neill, Abi Elphinstone, SF Said and Jennifer Killick, who were all kind enough to share a glimpse of the creative process which goes behind creating their beloved books.

We would like to thank everyone who participated in our quiz event, with a special congratulations to our winners. It was heart-warming to see our families and school community come together in celebrating the importance of reading and literacy. Particularly as reading for pleasure is essential for children’s development, giving them the tools to excel in life and the confidence to pursue their aspirations.

