Guidance and Expectations

<Last updated: 1 April 2022>

Latest changes:


  • The Government no longer recommends regular asymptomatic testing in SEND, Alternative Provision and Children Social Care Settings.  

  • Regular asymptomatic testing in mainstream settings hasn’t been recommended since February.  

  • COVID tests will no longer be free of charge for most people. Free test kits will be available through schools for as long as they have supply. After this, schools will not be able to order any more free lateral flow tests. 


  • From 1 April, anyone with a positive COVID-19 test result will be advised to try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people

    • Adults are advised to isolate for five days. 

    • Young people aged 18 and under are advised to isolate for three days. 

  • Absence caused by illness without a positive test will be recorded as sickness absence. 

  • Students and staff can return to school when they feel well enough and no longer have a high temperature. 


We need everyone to help us minimise the spread of COVID-19 within and around our schools by understanding the expectations we have.

As a Trust we understand the need for precautions but also appreciate the impact that changes will have on the education of our young people.

For Learners:

  • Go to school if it is open, you have no COVID-19 symptoms and have not had a positive test. 
  • Take a LFD test if you have any symptoms of COVID-19.
  • If you test positive, you are advised to stay at home and avoid contact with other people:
    • Adults are advised to isolate for 5 days
    • Under 18s are advised to isolate for 3 days.
  • You can return to school when you feel well enough and do not have a high temperature.
  • Wash hands often and thoroughly throughout the day.

For Families:

  • Make sure your child goes to school if it is open, they have no COVID-19 symptoms and have not had a positive test.
  • If your child has a positive test, they are advised to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for 3 days. They can return to school when they are well enough and do not have a high temperature.
  • Absence must be reported to the school in the usual way.

For Visitors:

  • If you need to visit the site, you must:

    – Not have any symptoms of COVID-19.
    – Sign in on arrival.
    – Follow all local procedures.

For our Schools:

  • Maintain risk assessments and do our best to mitigate risks to ensure safety.
  • Continue to provide exceptional education for our learners, and support the emotional wellbeing of our learners, families, and staff.
  • Follow Government and Public Health England advice to protect everyone’s safety and wellbeing.
  • Work closely with the local authorities to ensure a consistent and measured approach to the support of children and families.
  • Clearly communicate and consult with families, staff, and other key stakeholders to seek to ease their concerns.
  • Encourage staff to consider the benefits of being vaccinated and to take up the vaccination if they have not yet done so.
  • Ensure adequate ventilation in rooms.
  • Continue hygiene regime.
  • Allow staff, students and visitors to wear face coverings in communal and busy areas if it makes them feel comfortable.